
FIGENER has a technical team capable of carrying out studies in mathematical modeling of fluid dynamics and heat flow (CFD).

Simulation calculations are performed with OpenFOAM, finite volume calculation software capable of iteratively solving several partial derivative equations such as Navier-Stokes, transport and Poisson equations, which have a large number of variables and need to calculate several parameters simultaneously.

With this tool, it is possible to simulate the flow of fluids around complex geometries and the fluid-heat transfer interaction. The use of the CFD also facilitates the visualization of the problems by showing the current lines and the profiles of speeds, pressures and temperatures.

FIGENER has been developing this type of study since 2010, when it started studies on air recirculation in the Cooling Systems of Thermoelectric Plants. Since then, other works, of the most varied, have been carried out:

  • Atmospheric air flow in Thermoelectric Plants (UTEs) aimed at reducing the recirculation of hot air (EPASA).
  • Biphasic Flow Analysis (Braskem Condensate Network).
  • Flow in Hot Gas Pipelines from VALE Furnaces.
  • Flow Analysis in Burners to determine their Capacity (Braskem).
  • Hydraulic Transient Analysis in Heat Exchangers (see video below).

For the realization of studies in CFD, the work comprises data surveys in the field, modeling, simulations and analysis of alternatives.

Below is a video explaining the steps taken for one of our studies:

See some results of the simulations: